Ik wil afvallen

You are what you eat - it's true and when you want to improve your shape, you are to improve your eating habits as well.

Ik wil afvallen
Ik wil van mijn klachten af

You are what you eat - it's true and when you want to improve your shape, you are to improve your eating habits as well.

Ik wil van mijn klachten af
Ik wil soepeler bewegen

You are what you eat - it's true and when you want to improve your shape, you are to improve your eating habits as well.

Ik wil soepeler bewegen
Ik wil meer ontspanning

You are what you eat - it's true and when you want to improve your shape, you are to improve your eating habits as well.

Ik wil meer ontspanning